Then There Was One… Ski Show Left
Then There Was One… Ski Show Left
Published : 03-Aug-2016 12:05
This year's London Ski and snowboard Show looks set to be the only major show in the UK this Autumn after organisers Telegraph Events confirmed they were dropping their 'North' show in Manchester.
In an email response to an enquiry from J2Ski a spokesperson for Telegraph Events said that previous online ticket buyers for the Manchester show had received an email discount for the London show in October this autumn.
The Manchester show is the last of the big regional shows to cease operating following shows in Birmingham and Glasgow which have closed over the past five years.
The London show moved from its long time venue at Olympia or Earls Court for the past four decades to a smaller complex in Battersea Park last autumn. Attendance in 2015 was down by about a third to 25,587 compared to 35,269 who attended the show in 2014.
In it's heyday in the 1980s the show was staged over 10 days and attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors.
The Manchester Show's website currently remains live but showimng previews for the last show in autumn 2015:
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