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La Tania 7-Day Snow Forecast - 11th March 2025

Snow Mail

La Tania Snow Forecast - 7 day

Snow Forecast for La Tania

When will there be fresh snow?

This is the 7-Day Snow Forecast for La Tania, France for 7 days from 11 March.

Updated 11 March 2025 04:32 GMT.

La Tania Snow Forecast Highlights
Next Snow Expected11 March
Next Snow Amount 1cm -
Next 48 Hours 9cm 4in
Next 7 Days 15cm 6in
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For Forecast detail, see below.

Forecast for La Tania

La Tania is reporting “Spring Snow” with 9cm 4in new snow forecast in the next 48 hours.

La Tania 7-Day Snow Forecast Overview

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Summary Weather and Snow Forecast for La Tania from OpenMeteo
2,740m 8,990ft
-2℃ 28°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
-5℃ 23°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
+3cm +1in
-6℃ 20°F
+5cm +2in
-8℃ 18°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
-9℃ 15°F
Light Snow
+4cm +2in
-8℃ 18°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
+1cm +1in
-6℃ 22°F
2,045m 6,709ft
2℃ 36°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
-1℃ 31°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
+3cm +1in
-2℃ 28°F
+4cm +2in
-3℃ 26°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
-5℃ 23°F
Light Snow
+4cm +2in
-6℃ 22°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
+1cm +1in
-2℃ 29°F
1,350m 4,429ft
8℃ 45°F
4℃ 38°F
+2cm +1in
2℃ 36°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
2℃ 35°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
1℃ 33°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
+3cm +1in
0℃ 31°F
Lt Snow Shwrs
3℃ 38°F
Snow Line

varying 1,639m 5,377ft
to 1,529m 5,016ft

varying 1,489m 4,885ft
to 1,350m 4,429ft

1,350m 4,429ft

1,350m 4,429ft

1,350m 4,429ft

1,350m 4,429ft

Max Town 8℃ 45°F 4℃ 38°F 2℃ 36°F 2℃ 35°F 1℃ 33°F 0℃ 31°F 3℃ 38°F
Min Town 2℃ 35°F 1℃ 33°F -1℃ 30°F -2℃ 29°F -3℃ 27°F -5℃ 22°F -5℃ 23°F

This table shows the average forecast snowfall, the maximum temperature, and expected general weather at resort, lower and upper mountain levels. For daily forecast details, see below.

La Tania Medium-Range (7-Day) Snow Forecast Detail

Note :- Mountain weather is extremely dynamic; the forecast below will change. Any forecast snow may move forward or back in the forecast, and predicted snowfall depths will be revised in subsequent updates.

Max 8℃ 45°F
Min 2℃ 35°F

Valley temperatures from an overnight low of 2℃ 35°F to daytime highs around 8℃ 45°F
Freeze-thaw (spring snow) from mid-mountain up.

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


up to 1cm New Snow


Cloudy first, fair then cloudy, snow showers at altitude later.

Snow Line from 1,639m 5,377ft to 1,529m 5,016ft , with rain below.

Max 4℃ 38°F
Min 1℃ 33°F

Valley temperatures from an overnight low of 1℃ 33°F to daytime highs around 4℃ 38°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


2cm to 3cm 1in New Snow

CloudCloudLt Snow ShwrsFog

Cloudy, light snow showers, fog later.

Snow Line from 1,489m 4,885ft to resort level.

Max 2℃ 36°F
Min -1℃ 30°F

Freeze-thaw (spring snow) conditions, with valley temperatures cooling to -1℃ 30°F and rising to 2℃ 36°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


1cm to 5cm up to 2in New Snow

CloudLt Snow ShwrsMixedLt Snow Shwrs

Cloudy first, light snow showers then clear spells, light snow showers later.

Snow falling to resort level.

Max 2℃ 35°F
Min -2℃ 29°F

Freeze-thaw (spring snow) conditions, with valley temperatures cooling to -2℃ 29°F and rising to 2℃ 35°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


up to 1cm New Snow

FogFogCloudLight Snow

Fog, cloudy, light snow later.

Snow falling to resort level.

Max 1℃ 33°F
Min -3℃ 27°F

Valley temperatures from an overnight low of -3℃ 27°F to daytime highs around 1℃ 33°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


3cm to 4cm 1in to 2in New Snow

SnowLight SnowCloudSnow

Snow showers first, light snow then cloudy, snow showers later.

Snow falling to resort level.

Max 0℃ 31°F
Min -5℃ 22°F

Below freezing at all levels, with valley temperatures as low as -5℃ 22°F and not getting above 0℃ 31°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base

Snowfall per hour

Snow Line


1cm up to 1in New Snow

Light SnowLight SnowCloudLt Snow Shwrs

Light snow, cloudy, light snow showers later.

Snow falling to resort level.

Max 3℃ 38°F
Min -5℃ 23°F

Freeze-thaw (spring snow) conditions, with valley temperatures cooling to -5℃ 23°F and rising to 3℃ 38°F

Temperature at BaseTemp at Base


Snow unlikely


Fog, clear spells, fog later.

This Snow Forecast for La Tania, France gives the predicted Snowfall and Freezing Levels for the next week.

The forecast snowfall depths given are the likely average accumulations for the Lower and Upper slopes. The actual snow depth in La Tania, on any given piste or itinerary, may be dramatically different, particularly if the snowfall is accompanied by high winds and/or varying air temperatures.

Snow Forecasts beyond two days ahead are subject to significant change and variable reliability.

La Tania Snow Forecast updated at 04:32 GMT, next update expected 07:00 GMT.

Snow Forecast near La Tania

Snow Forecasts for Ski Resorts near La Tania
Snow Report and Forecast 48 HrTueWedThuFriSatSunMon 7 Day
Les Menuires 9cm 3in 19cm 7in
Val Thorens 9cm 4in 18cm 7in
Saint Martin de Belleville 8cm 3in 17cm 7in
Courchevel 8cm 3in 15cm 6in
La Plagne 8cm 3in 14cm 6in
Méribel 7cm 3in 14cm 6in
The Three Valleys 6cm 2in 13cm 5in
Val d'Isère 3cm 1in 13cm 5in